Local Services




Mental Health


Weight loss, exercise and nutrition

  • One You East Sussex01323404600 for help to lose weight and/or to increase your physical activity
  • Cycling in Peacehaven with Active Steps: free lead rides in groups up to 6 for all abilities, free bike loan for the programme.  Contact Jamie Lloyd from Sustrans on 07818 529714 or email: Jamie.lloyd@sustrans.org.uk
  • Park Run Peacehaven: Saturday at 9.00am

Support to give up smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling


Care needs


Housing support, benefits, debt


Older adults

  • AgeUK services
  • AgeUK Kempton House: currently not running because of Covid
  • Memory caféCurrently postponed because of Covid.  01273 494300 support line.

Children and families


Sexual/Women’s Health

Information and services change from time to time so we cannot guarantee this information is always up to date.